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Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service Logo

Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service

Good Outcomes Positive Futures


Educational Audiologist Support

Support from the BSCS Educational Audiologist

Our Educational Audiologist works in joint clinics (Health and Education) at the Audiology departments of


  • Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading
  • King Edward VII Hospital, Windsor


This collaborative working ensures that both the audiological and educational needs of your child's hearing loss are met in a joined up way.

The joint clinic sessions offer the opportunity to:


  • Monitor your child's hearing
  • Discuss your child's progress with those involved in your child's care (parents, specialist education service, audiologists)
  • Measure the effectiveness of your child's hearing aids
  • Help you manage the hearing aids
  • Make specially moulded ear pieces (earmoulds) for your child's hearing aids
  • Discuss additional assistive listening technology for education (eg radio aid)
  • Enable information exchange between clinical audiologists and the Teachers of the Deaf


The Educational Audiologist also advises and supports Teachers of the Deaf with improving acoustic conditions in schools and with loaning, setting up and maintaining radio aid equipment.
