Deafness/Hearing Loss Resources
NDCS are so excited to announce their new website for deaf young people. The Buzz gives deaf children and young people a safe and positive online space of their own. Please encourage your child to sign up and get involved. Website here.
For families (and professionals) with a deaf 0-3 child, we think this developmental resource (Success from the start) from National Deaf Children's Society will be invaluable.
This resource was initially known as the Early Support Monitoring Protocol for deaf babies and children and it was created to help the families of deaf children and the people that support them to observe, monitor and record the progress that children make. This resource has been revised in consultation with families and professionals and is for the families of deaf children from birth to three years old.Please visit the NDCS website for more information.
Learn some practical strategies to develop communication with your hearing impaired baby or toddler. These communication videos from The University of Sheffield support and advise about communication with deaf babies and toddlers with a range of hearing loss, from mild to profound (0-3 years).
Topics include: Tuning into your deaf baby’s communication; Talking about and responding to their communication; Helping them to notice you are talking or signing to them; Helping them to notice what you are saying or signing.
These two pages give lots of lovely and fun ideas on how we can boost language in the Early Years.
Boosting baby talk - click here
For more about Children's language development - click here
Advanced Bionics is a great website for ideas on how to check your child is listening well enough with his or her implant. Learn about how different speech sounds occur at different frequencies.
Speech and Language Therapy drop in sessions normally take place throughout Berkshire. Due to COVID19, these unfortunately remain closed but details of how to make contact can be found here.
Berkshire Sensory Consortium is not responsible for the content of external websites.