Berkshire Sensory Consortium provide access to on-line training for teachers who work with deaf and vision impaired pupils. Here are some quotes from those who have just finished the course:
"I found the course really useful and I feel so much more confident now in my abilities to help support the little girl with a Hearing Impairment when she starts her school journey."The course had some amazing tips and strategies as well and I found the video extracts really insightful."
"The course was really useful and made me more confident about supporting a hearing impaired child who will be starting next year. There were lots of top tips and strategies to support HI children in class. The part that really resonated with me was the section on social inclusion and the videos from pupils. I felt the course really highlighted the importance of pupil voice."
"I found the course very insightful and it taught me a lot about the world of HI students and to what level they have to learn to cope with several challenges. These are challenges we take for granted. I appreciated being able to taking part in the course!"
For more information:
Deaf/Hearing Loss- contact Julia Battle, Qualified Teacher of the Deaf on 07976 582611 or
Multi Sensory Impairment - contact Neel Wilson, Multi Sensory Impairment Coordinator on 07887 548141 or
Vision Impairment - contact Suzy Ralphs, Qualified Teacher of Vision Impaired on 07810 816191 or
The training is an evidence-based, tutor-led eLearning course to enhance knowledge and expertise.