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Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service Logo

Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service

Good Outcomes Positive Futures


Multi-Sensory impairment


Children and young people with multi-sensory impairment (MSI) have impairments of both their senses of hearing and vision. MSI is a low incidence disability which has the potential to impact every area of a child’s learning and development.


How each child or young person with MSI uses their residual hearing and vision together varies from person to person so their needs have to be assessed individually. Although they are all different all children with MSI have daily challenges with their:


  • Access to information  
  • Communication        
  • Independent mobility


Many children may also have additional special educational needs that also need to be addressed. 

MSI can sometimes be referred to as deafblindness, especially if there are no other additional needs involved. 

The Sensory Consortium Service has a qualified teacher for children with multisensory impairment (QTMSI) on staff who works with colleagues, other professionals and parents/carers to carry out assessments, model approaches to learning and identify a communication system most appropriate for the learner.

Pre-School Groups
Young children with MSI are all invited to attend any of the pre-school groups run by the Sensory Consortium Service.  Click here for further information, including dates.



Multi-Sensory Impairment Parent Information Pack

This document has been designed by the Sensory Consortium Service to provide additional information to that already available from the Early Support Family Pack. It is particularly relevant for families with a new diagnosis at pre-school age. Click here



Early Support Information about Multi-Sensory Impairment
This is an information resource for parent / carers who have a child with  multi-sensory impairment, or who are in the process of getting a diagnosis.  
