VI Equipment
Equipment for Children with a Vision Impairment
An equipment loan bank is managed by the Sensory Consortium Service fornamed pupils. Specialist equipment is loaned by arrangement with your Local Authority with agreement from the school to include school insurance/liability schemes for replacement in cases of loss or damage not related to normal usage. Please see our Equipment Policy for more details.
Equipment typically used by Pupils with a Vision Impairment:
- Laptops and tablets
- Touch typing programmes
- Screen magnification and/or speech software such as Supernova or Zoomtext
- CCTV's - either stand alone or used in conjunction with a laptop
- Scanners and software to read text
- Digital Audio media players
- Large display calculators
- Small items such as RNIB rulers, protractors
Equipment Specifically for Severe Sight Impaired Pupils:
- Braillers and Braille programmes
- Light Probe
- Speech software such as Supernova Talking dictionary
- Heat copier (to produce raised diagrams)
- Braille embosser and software
- Talking calculator
- Braillelite or similar electronic Brailler
- Small items such as liquid level indicator, talking scales