Our Performance Guarantees
Our Performance Guarantees
1. All Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service (BSCS) Teachers of the Deaf/Vision and Multisensory Impairment hold the mandatory qualification for working with sensory impaired learners or will have completed the training within three years of joining the Service
2. All BSCS Habilitation staff are registered qualified Habilitation Specialists
3. All BSCS Qualified Educational Specialist Teaching Assistants (QUESTAs) hold an additional accredited qualification in SI
4. All pupils supported by the BSCS will be provided with a written pupil profile/report at least annually
5. All formal BSCS assessment reports are completed within the statutory time limits
6. Initial contact to all new school age referrals is made within five working days during school term time
7. Contact with parents/carers is within two working days for babies following a confirmed diagnosis of a hearing loss via the Newborn Hearing Screening programme, across the whole year
8. Contact with parent /carers is within two working days during term time for all pre-schoolers following a confirmed diagnosis of a vision impairment
9. An initial visit or assessment will be carried out within 4 working weeks of the referral date.
10. All new referrals are provided with a written formal report within eight working weeks following receipt of the new referral form
11. All Berkshire mainstream schools and Local Authority Special Schools with sensory impairment learners are offered a bespoke training package and signposting to other training events
12. All parents /carers of BSCS pre-school children with sensory impairment within Berkshire are offered access to our specialist pre-school group provision
13. Evaluation of the Service is undertaken annually using staff and user surveys, pupil outcomes, and an analysis of our stakeholder feedback