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Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service Logo

Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service

Good Outcomes Positive Futures


Recognition of the work of the Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service in the Slough SEND Inspection report under strengths published in November 2021

The effectiveness of the area in meeting the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities

Parents and carers of children and young people with sensory needs, such as visual and hearing impairment, were overwhelmingly positive about the support given to their children, for example in teaching braille. (Sept 21)

The effectiveness of the area in improving outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities


Many staff are deeply committed to the area’s children and young people with SEND, and groups of children and young people experience positive outcomes as a result of high-quality identification and support. Examples include children and young people and their families supported by specialist staff for hearing and visual impairment, looked after children and young people involved with the Youth Offending Service. In such cases, children, young people and their families play a notably active part in setting targets and reviewing progress. (Sept 21)


