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Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service Logo

Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service

Good Outcomes Positive Futures




There is a new local offer link for  parents looking for what’s on which should make it easier to find activities. The page features:   



The Children with Additional needs (CAN) Network is an information and support service for children and young people with additional needs and their families.


Wokingham SEND updates provide parent and carers with information about the work our SEND services are undertaking during the pandemic, including any new provision and resources for children, young people and their families.




Dingley’s mission is to deliver life changing support to under 5s with additional needs & disabilities and their families.  They hold coffee mornings and stay and play sessions for children with SEND in Wokingham, Reading and West Berkshire.


Our pre-school groups at the Berkshire Sensory Consortium are a great way to meet specialists, families and other children with sensory impairments.  Busy Bees is for children with a vision impairment and Chatty Monkeys is for our hearing impaired children. Click here for more information, including dates.

Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
